Light was enough.

Sono stato tentato troppe volte di postare argomenti fotografici, attrezzatura e tutto quel genere di roba, ma questo blog non puo' occuparsene, e' una questione di coerenza.
Quindi ho aperto un nuovo spazio per condividere la mia passione per la fotografia, grezza, spontanea e a bassa fedelta'. E' qui:

Light was enough.

Date solo un'occhiata, potreste scoprire che vi piace!
I was tempted too many times to post about photography, gear and all that stuff, but this blog can't deal with it, it's a matter of coherence.
So I started another website to share my love for die-hard spontaneous low-fi photography.
It's here:

Light was enough.

just take a look, you might discover you like it!


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