The world is watching!

Di ritorno da un viaggio di tre giorni a Valencia, Spagna, (del quale parlero' nei prossimi giorni) ero curioso di controllare nuove visite e commenti; Sono andato sulle statistiche e ho dato un'occhiata ai paesi da cui la gente aveva visitato il mio weblog. Impressionante. E se ora dovessi tradurre il mio blog in ognuna di queste lingue potrei diventare pazzo, gente!

Guardate la lista a lato e le bandiere: riuscite a trovare la vostra? :-)
Back from a three days trip to Valencia, Spain, (which I am gonna talk about in the next days) I was curious to check new visits and comments; I pointed to stats and took a look at the list of countries from which people had browsed through my weblog. Impressive. And if I should now translate my blog into each language, I may become mad, folks!

See the list and the flags aside: can you find yours? :-)


  1. Definitely, the world is watching. (Or more like lurking!) Thanks for commenting at the blog -- you must've known that I would love your Vespa! Leather seats?! Very, very cool. Hope you don't mind but I'll have to mention your web log in a future post. Excellent photos on flickr too, I was speechless on just about all of your subjects!

  2. Rowena you are very very kind.
    Yes, my Vespa has real leather seats, I'm sorry for animalists but anyway cows get killed to be eaten, so their skin has to be used somewhat... My seat has a "genuine leather" stamp on the bottom.
    You are not only allowed but encouraged to talk about my weblog, I'd like to spread the word and message of Vespa riding, so you might be a little help.
    Thanks for your appreciation on my phoyographs, don't you shoot too?
    You know, then, I'm fond of cooking, so I'm gonna explore your recipes!
    Let's keep in contact.


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