su viaggiu - episode 3: stagno di Cabras - the Cabras pond
Lasciando Is Arutas ci siamo diretti a sud verso la penisola del Sinis. Si tratta di un'area territoriale strana dove spiagge bizzarre, stagni salati, palude ed antiche rovine si miscelano in maniera del tutto particolare creando un posto pieno di sorprese. La costa ovest e' selvaggia e meravigliosa. Il grosso stagno di Cabras, che prende il nome dal paese di Cabras appoggiato sulle sue sponde, e' un lago salato dalla forma irregolare dove la pesca rappresenta l'occupazione primaria; numerosi uccelli affollano i suoi bassi fondali, perlopiu' fenicotteri. La laguna e' la porta occidentale della citta' piu' grande della Sardegna dell'ovest, Oristano, e' connessa al mare da una rete di canali contorti e peschiere ed abbiamo seguito le sue sponde per un largo tratto fino alla peschiera principale con l'intento di percorrerne gli sbarramenti poiche' dopo averla visualizzata su Google Earth ne siamo rimasti affascinati! La fotografia aerea ha sempre un lato sottilmente incantevole e fa sembrare tutto quanto bellissimo. Fortunatamente questo luogo era interessante sul serio.
Ma tornando al Sinis, la sua punta sud e' una sottile lingua di terra estesa nel mare che ospita sulla sommita' le rovine dell'antica citta' di Tharros. Pietre incredibili circondate da un mare turchese in cui Elena non riusciva a smettere di tuffarsi! E poi di nuovo su e giu' con l'Insetto, viaggiando attraverso suolo paludoso e paesi deserti, torri ed assetate piante di assenzio.
Nel prossimo episodio: verso sud, attraversando Oristano e l'enigmatica Arborea fino a Marceddi ed il suo stretto ponte.
Leaving Is Arutas we headed south to the Sinis paeninsula. This is a weird piece of land where bizarre beaches, salt ponds, marsh and ancient ruins mix in a very particular way, creating a place filled with surprises. The western coast is wild and wonderful. The huge Cabras Pond, named after the town of Cabras on its shore, is an irregularly shaped salty lake where fishing is the primary occupation; many birds crowd its shallow basin, mainly flamingoes. The lagoon is the western gate to Sardinia's biggest western city, Oristano, it is connected to the sea by a net of winding canals and fisheries and we rode around a large part of it up to the main fishery with the firm purpose to walk upon its dams as we saw it on Google Earth and got fascinated! Aerial photography has always a subtle charming side and makes everything look great. Luckily this place was truly interesting.
But goin'back to Sinis, its southern head is a narrow strip of sand extending into the sea, and hosting on the head the ruins of the ancient city of Tharros. Astonishing stones surrounded by a turquoise sea which Elena couldn't stop splashing into! And then again up and down with the Bug, traveling through marshy soil and deserted towns, towers and thirsty plants of absinthe. Next episode: heading south, through Oristano and the enigmatic Arborea up to Marceddi and its narrow bridge.
Nel prossimo episodio: verso sud, attraversando Oristano e l'enigmatica Arborea fino a Marceddi ed il suo stretto ponte.
Leaving Is Arutas we headed south to the Sinis paeninsula. This is a weird piece of land where bizarre beaches, salt ponds, marsh and ancient ruins mix in a very particular way, creating a place filled with surprises. The western coast is wild and wonderful. The huge Cabras Pond, named after the town of Cabras on its shore, is an irregularly shaped salty lake where fishing is the primary occupation; many birds crowd its shallow basin, mainly flamingoes. The lagoon is the western gate to Sardinia's biggest western city, Oristano, it is connected to the sea by a net of winding canals and fisheries and we rode around a large part of it up to the main fishery with the firm purpose to walk upon its dams as we saw it on Google Earth and got fascinated! Aerial photography has always a subtle charming side and makes everything look great. Luckily this place was truly interesting.
But goin'back to Sinis, its southern head is a narrow strip of sand extending into the sea, and hosting on the head the ruins of the ancient city of Tharros. Astonishing stones surrounded by a turquoise sea which Elena couldn't stop splashing into! And then again up and down with the Bug, traveling through marshy soil and deserted towns, towers and thirsty plants of absinthe. Next episode: heading south, through Oristano and the enigmatic Arborea up to Marceddi and its narrow bridge.
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