Supereroi Rugginosi - Rusty Superheroes

Succede talvolta che mi debba spostare per lavoro in altre citta' e non posso fare a meno di notare le Vespe parcheggiate che si distinguono sempre dalla marea di scooter indefiniti e privi di tratti caratteristici. Alcune sono piuttosto curate, pulite, con tutte le cromature e gli accessori. Altre, invece, i "Supereroi Rugginosi", sono devastate dal tempo e dalla ruggine, sporche, con adesivi strappati e scoloriti, ma sono quelle che rappresentano un'intera generazione di vespisti per convenienza e non per passione. Parlo dei cacciatori e pescatori, degli operai, di quelli che erano studenti negli anni '70, di tutti quelli che avevano una Vespa, ma senza l'orgoglio di appartenere ad un gruppo di appassionati. Era un mezzo di locomozione efficiente, comodo, robusto e tutto sommato abbastanza economico.
Se non fosse per questi Supereroi Arrugginiti la Vespa non avrebbe avuto probabilmente la diffusione che ha oggi.
E loro, ignari di questo ruolo, continuano a girare sulle loro incredibili Vespe, meritandosi tutto il nostro rispetto.
It happens sometimes that I gotta move to work in other towns and I can't help but notice many parked Vespas always standing out of the tide of indefinite and style lacking scooters. Some are fairly tidy, clean, with all the chrome and accessories. Others, however, the "Rusty Superheroes", are devastated by weather and rust, dirty, showing torn and faded stickers, but it's those that represent an entire generation of Vespa riders, commuters and not enthusiasts. I talk about hunters and fishermen, workers, those who were students in the 70s, everybody who had a Vespa, but without the pride of belonging to a group of enthusiasts. It was an efficient vehicle, it was comfortable, tough and after all cheap enough.
If it wasn't for these Rusty Superheroes the Vespa wouldn't be that widespread today.
And they, unaware of this role, continue to ride their incredible Vespas, deserving all our respect.


  1. Can you imagine the stories that little Vespa could tell if only she could speak. She's a beauty. A dependable daily rider........

    Ride Safe


  2. incredible rusty bikes. and not "rat" bikes, that rust is original! ;-)

  3. Next time take some photos as we don't get to view those vintage scooters on the streets of South Florida. What is an everyday visual for you is a rare treat for us.

  4. H&F: a post is waiting for you, I bet you'll appreciate it!
    Yes, seeing old Vespas is definitely usual here, there's plenty of them.
    Recently a new fad seems to be spreading: taking old 50cc Vespas, fix them, paint them in bright colors and enjoy them! Sadly I'm almost sure those kids on their 50 Specials wouldn't be able to fix a flat tire... all the merit goes to old mechanics ;-)


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