Designed by Tess Rodriguez

Tess Rodriguez mi ha contattato tempo addietro per chiedermi se potesse utilizzare alcune foto del mio weblog all'interno del suo progetto di un punto vendita ed esposizione per la Vespa ad Athens, OH, un progetto accademico che, ora che si e' concluso, Tess stessa ha pubblicato sul suo sito. Si tratta di un buon progetto, e da architetto non potevo che essere felice di vedere le mie foto all'interno di un progetto. In bocca al lupo, Tess, e continua cosi'.
Se volete dare un'occhiata - specialmente al video finale - il link e' questo:

Tess Rodriguez Vespa retail space

Tess Rodriguez contacted me some time ago to ask permission to use some of my weblog photographs inside her academic project of a Vespa expo and retail point in Athens, OH, a project now finished and published by Tess on her website. It's a nice project and as an architect I couldn't but be happy to see my pictures inside a project. Good luck Tess, and hold on.
If you wanna take a look at it - expecially the final clip - the link is the following:

Tess Rodriguez Vespa retail space


  1. Congrats Ale! That is so cool to have your photos exposed in such a fitting way. (Yay Vespa!) I hope we'll get to see more of your fantastic work in the public eye.

  2. eheh, thanks Ro.
    you're always so kind.
    I wish I could have much more time to dedicate to this weblog, I'm doing my best and I'd like to have a wider audience. Expectations, though, would involve me even more, so it's ok to me.
    Should I write to Piaggio and point them here? :-)

  3. Great sites! both of them!!!

    Well, OK, I'm Tess's mom, but I LOVE your photos and of course Tess's too!

  4. Isn't it great how a Vespa aficionado, architect, and photographer can touch someone in Athens, Ohio and contribute to such a nice project. Great Job on both ends.

  5. After hearing Katie Melua on your blog we got the CD, Piece by Piece. Really Nice. Thanks for turning us on to some great music. One of the things we enjoy here is the music.


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