(quasi) chiuso per ferie in Croazia - (almost) closed for vacation in Croatia
Il mi' fratello se n'è andato in ferie in Croazia a gonfiarsi di Raki e probabilmente a comprare l'ennesimo strumento inutile. In attesa del rientro, e della riparazione del mio Guzzi Nevada, l'Insetto Scoppiettante mi è stato affidato in custodia.
Prometto di non sfocare troppo, di rimetterlo in garage tutte le sere, e se cela faccio di buttar giù due righe sul mio blog tanto per tranquillizzare il legittimo proprietario, sull'altra costa del mare sbagliato.
In italiano, perché sono un pigro.
(Non vi allarmate: l'autore del blog torna a breve)
My brother went to Croatia on vacation, to get drunk with raki and - probably - to buy the next useless musical instrument. Waiting for him to come back, and waiting for my Guzzi Nevada being repaired, the Arkansas Chuggabug has been consigned to me.
I promise I won't go fast. I promise to put it back in the garage every night. And I promise to write a few lines on my blog, just to calm down the Owner while he's on 'the other coast of the wrong sea'. In Italian (sorry), 'cause I'm lazy.
(don't worry: the right blogger will be back shortly)
Prometto di non sfocare troppo, di rimetterlo in garage tutte le sere, e se cela faccio di buttar giù due righe sul mio blog tanto per tranquillizzare il legittimo proprietario, sull'altra costa del mare sbagliato.
In italiano, perché sono un pigro.
(Non vi allarmate: l'autore del blog torna a breve)
My brother went to Croatia on vacation, to get drunk with raki and - probably - to buy the next useless musical instrument. Waiting for him to come back, and waiting for my Guzzi Nevada being repaired, the Arkansas Chuggabug has been consigned to me.
I promise I won't go fast. I promise to put it back in the garage every night. And I promise to write a few lines on my blog, just to calm down the Owner while he's on 'the other coast of the wrong sea'. In Italian (sorry), 'cause I'm lazy.
(don't worry: the right blogger will be back shortly)
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