November rain
Questo mese e' stato uno schifo. Tra malattie, impegni e brutto tempo, l'Insetto Scoppiettante ha passato molto tempo in garage; a Piombino la pioggia sta creando consistenti problemi, come scrivo qui e devo decidermi a cambiare la ruota anteriore. La scorsa sera, poi, lasciata la Vespa fuori dal bar, al mio ritorno ho scoperto che aveva iniziato a diluviare, infradiciando la sella e in parte anche il casco. E' stata comunque una buona occasione per constatare che ingrassare la sella e' utile, poiche' la pelle sembrava fradicia solo all'apparenza e asciugando ha addirittura uniformato velocemente tutti i piccoli segni di bagnature parziali.
E ora che siamo a trenta chilometri dalla meta dei 25.000 sono ansioso di raggiungerla ma non posso. Ma non lamentiamoci, "...nothing lasts forever in the cold november rain...", nemmeno la pioggia stessa!
This month has been bullshit. Among illness, work and bad weather the Chuggabug spent much time into the car box; here in Piombino the rain is causing much trouble, as I write here, and I have to change the front tire. Last evening I parked the Vespa out of the bar and when i got back there I discovered it was showering, with the seat and partly the helmet completely drenched. Yet it was a good way to discover that greasing the saddle was useful, as the leather just looked soaked and drying, it made all the small spots disappear, uniforming its color.
And now that I miss thirty kilometers to reach the 25.000 goal, I just can't wait. Well, let's not complain, "...nothing lasts forever in the cold november rain...", neither the rain itself.
E ora che siamo a trenta chilometri dalla meta dei 25.000 sono ansioso di raggiungerla ma non posso. Ma non lamentiamoci, "...nothing lasts forever in the cold november rain...", nemmeno la pioggia stessa!
This month has been bullshit. Among illness, work and bad weather the Chuggabug spent much time into the car box; here in Piombino the rain is causing much trouble, as I write here, and I have to change the front tire. Last evening I parked the Vespa out of the bar and when i got back there I discovered it was showering, with the seat and partly the helmet completely drenched. Yet it was a good way to discover that greasing the saddle was useful, as the leather just looked soaked and drying, it made all the small spots disappear, uniforming its color.
And now that I miss thirty kilometers to reach the 25.000 goal, I just can't wait. Well, let's not complain, "...nothing lasts forever in the cold november rain...", neither the rain itself.
Nothing worse than cold and rain. We have a rainy season here along with a few hurricanes, but fortunately it is warm. Wishing you courage for the winter season.
RispondiEliminathank you my dear friends.
RispondiEliminaI saw two Vespas like yours last summer in my hometown, parked side by sude, but I was without camera and couldn't shoot the picture!
At least you won't have an excuse now, that you have a new camera. Just remember to bring it with you. As for the rain we seem to have the most rain in the world. It rains continuously from November to May "our rainy season" so we know what it is like. You have to post a picture in a beautiful surrounding when your odometer is at exactly "30,000"
RispondiEliminaahahah, my dear bobskoot, I'm just writin' 'bout the passing of the 25.000 which happened just a few days ago, in a sudden moment of sunny relief between rainy days...!
RispondiEliminajust a few days and you'll read it!
RispondiEliminaI like the title November rain because i like to use this phrase as title too ;)
The only different is.. you dislike rain whereas i love it..
Singapore very hot.. rain can wash away heat and it helps to keep my mind calm:)