guanti estivi - summer gloves
Ora che l'estate e' finalmente arrivata non sopporto piu' i guanti; non e' difficile crederlo, visto che i miei sono guanti invernali pesantemente isolati ed impermeabilizzati che hanno persino una striscia di gomma sul dorso del pollice sinistro per togliere le gocce di pioggia dalla visiera... Immaginate solo che cosa potrebbe essere indossarli sotto il sole con piu' di 30 gradi. Cosi' la scorsa settimana ho deciso di comprarne un secondo paio piu' adatto al bel tempo, che mi consentissero di non perdere una presa salda sulle manopole a causa del sudore, mi proteggessero le dita dagli urti con insetti vari e api e assorbissero parte dei colpi e delle vibrazioni che uno non nota finche' non sente un inaspettato dolore alla spalla e non sa piegarne il perche'. La scelta e' caduta su un paio di guanti Rockrider da mountain bike; non sono guanti specifici da moto ma sono comodi e leggeri, decentemente traspiranti e visto che hanno le dita tagliate non si e' costretti a toglierseli per recuperare mobilita' quando, per esempio, c'e' da prendere il portafogli per pagare la benzina. Dopo qualche tempo mi sono abbastanza assuefatto e li porterei volentieri anche per piccoli spostamenti come ad esempio andare in centro per una birra. Per non menzionare il fatto che comunque costituiscano un minimo aiuto contro i graffi nella spiacevole eventualita' di una caduta.
Quello che non concorda affatto con la sicurezza e' il mio abbigliamento estivo... So che il caro Steve Williams disapproverebbe ma il fatto e' che non riesco a girare con piu' di una maglietta, dei bermuda e delle scarpe da skateboard; e' semplicemente troppo caldo per indossare qualsiasi genere di giacchetto possiate immaginare, davvero. L'Insetto non va molto veloce e quindi la ventilazione non aiuta, inotre i miei spostamenti piu' lunghi, a parte i 21 km per andare a lavorare o i 150 km che faccio ogni due settimane per andare da Elena, si riducono a brevi giri di 10 km per andare al mare. Perche' dovrei preoccuparmi? Andro' piano e mi godro' il sole.
Now that summer has come at last I can't stand wearing gloves; it isn't hard to believe, as I have winter waterproof gloves with a thick insulation and a gum strip upon the ridge of the left thumb to wipe the rain off the helmet shield... just imagine what would it be to ride wearing this gloves in sunny weather and over 30 C degrees. So last week I decided to buy another pair of gloves more suitable for summer weather which could save me from loosing grip on the handlebars because of sweat, protect me from being hitted on my fingers by flying bugs and bees and absorb some of the shocks and vibrations which one doesn't notice until he feels an unexpected pain in his shoulder and he can't explain how did it happen. The choice fell on a pair of Rockrider MTB gloves; they're not specific riding gloves but they're comfortable and light, they allow a decent transpiration and as they have cut fingers you're not forced to take them off to gain mobility and, for example, take your pocket to pay for the fuel. After a while I'm quite addicted to them and I'd likely wear them even for short commutes, i.e. going downtown for a beer. Not to mention the fact that they however constitute a miminal help against scratches in the unpleasant case of a fall.
What doesn't match at all with safety are my summer clothes... I know that dear Steve Williams wouldn't give me his approval, but I simply can't ride with more than a t-shirt, shorts and skateboarding shoes; it's simply too hot to wear whatever kinda jacket you could imagine, really. The Bug can't ride fast so overventilation doesn't help and my longest ride, apart from the 21 km commute to work and the 150 km I ride once every two weeks to go to Elena's, is a short 10 km zip to a nearby beach. Why should I worry? I'll just slow down and enjoy this sunny weather.
Now that summer has come at last I can't stand wearing gloves; it isn't hard to believe, as I have winter waterproof gloves with a thick insulation and a gum strip upon the ridge of the left thumb to wipe the rain off the helmet shield... just imagine what would it be to ride wearing this gloves in sunny weather and over 30 C degrees. So last week I decided to buy another pair of gloves more suitable for summer weather which could save me from loosing grip on the handlebars because of sweat, protect me from being hitted on my fingers by flying bugs and bees and absorb some of the shocks and vibrations which one doesn't notice until he feels an unexpected pain in his shoulder and he can't explain how did it happen. The choice fell on a pair of Rockrider MTB gloves; they're not specific riding gloves but they're comfortable and light, they allow a decent transpiration and as they have cut fingers you're not forced to take them off to gain mobility and, for example, take your pocket to pay for the fuel. After a while I'm quite addicted to them and I'd likely wear them even for short commutes, i.e. going downtown for a beer. Not to mention the fact that they however constitute a miminal help against scratches in the unpleasant case of a fall.
What doesn't match at all with safety are my summer clothes... I know that dear Steve Williams wouldn't give me his approval, but I simply can't ride with more than a t-shirt, shorts and skateboarding shoes; it's simply too hot to wear whatever kinda jacket you could imagine, really. The Bug can't ride fast so overventilation doesn't help and my longest ride, apart from the 21 km commute to work and the 150 km I ride once every two weeks to go to Elena's, is a short 10 km zip to a nearby beach. Why should I worry? I'll just slow down and enjoy this sunny weather.
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