
Merda, appunto. Ho appena preso un buon caffe', sto tornando in ufficio quando il cellulare inizia a suonare. Mi fermo a bordo strada, c'e' una nuova piazzola per gli autobus che sembra perfetta, posso stare a bordo strada senza intralciare il traffico, quindi metto la Vespa sul cavalletto mi tolgo il casco e rispondo al telefono. In meno di venti secondi, mentre sono girato, sento uno schianto. Mi giro ed ecco che la Vespa e' sdraiata su un fianco perche' l'asfalto nuovo, troppo morbido, ha ceduto e l'Insetto Scoppiettante si e' fracassato su una bella distesa di pietre aguzze. Come potete vedere, la parte posteriore destra e' a onde, la vernice e' saltata in piu' punti e l'adesivo casalingo, che stava iniziando a prendere un bel colore vintage - avrei fatto un post a breve, fanculo - si e' strappato. Almeno ha salvato un po' la vernice, ma ora temo che dovro' lasciare il piccolo Insetto in officina per un po', spendendo una discreta cifra... Ora aspetto solo che Big C faccia un paio di telefonate e mi trovi una soluzione rapida e indolore.
Shit, precisely. I have just had a good coffee, I'm going back to the office when the cellphone starts ringing. I stop on the side of the road, there's a new bus stop that looks perfect, I can stay aside without disturbing the road traffic, so I put the Vespa on its stand and take off my helmet to answer the phone. In less than twenty seconds, while I'm looking in another direction, I hear a crash. I turn and realize that the Vespa is lying on one side because the new asphalt, too soft, subsided and the Arkansas Chuggabug crashed on a patch of sharp stone shards. As you can see, the rear right side is wavy, the paint is scratched in many points and the homemade sticker, which was starting to get a beautiful vintage look - I'd have posted shortly about it, fuck - is torn. At least it saved some scratches, but now I fear I'll have to leave the little Bug to the shop for a while, spending a good amount of bucks... Now I'm just waiting Big C to make a couple of calls and help me find a quick and dirty solution


  1. Shit, shit and double shit! I saw the photos before I began to read the post and I felt so sick! I hope that someone will be able to fix the Bug.

    Grrrrrr....maledetto pezzo di asfalto!

  2. oh, well, triple shit.
    I can't even protest again the town council because, even if they're completely unable to make a regular asphalt, that was a bus stop and I couldn't stop upon it.
    what's worst is that I stopped there not to be an obstacle to drivers... and this is the prize I got.
    It seems there are a couple of mechanics here who can do a perfect fix, but I can't afford to take the Bug there for a week, maybe, so I'm just waiting for rainy days.

    thanks for your kind words, Ro, as usual you're so sweet.

  3. Sorry about your scooter; but as long as you're OK, you will ride again!

    Take care on the road,


  4. Oh how sad! We hope the phone call was worth the hassle. Maybe the caller should chip in and help with the repairs. What did we do before cell phones??? We always enjoy your music.

  5. ... peccato Ale!!
    Come ti capisco. L'anno scorso, anche la mia Gittì è caduta riportando qualche danno qua e là...
    Qualche giorno in carrozzeria e torna tutto a posto.
    Un caro saluto e tanta solidarietà,

  6. scgt: thanks for your kind words...I didn't even knew to have readers (and linkers!) in Texas!

    H&F: the call was from my girlfriend, so it was *way* worth the hassle...! thanks for support.

    Cosimo: devo solo aspettare che piova...non sopporterei l'idea di doverla tenere in officina quando posso godermela...!

  7. that's why I turn off my mobile phone every time I step on my bike...i do not even want to hear the sound of it while I am riding...


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