Come potete vedere dal nuovo logo sulla destra, l'Insetto Scoppiettante e' stato classificato su e la cosa ci fa molto piacere!
a presto.
As you may see on the upper right side of the page, the Insetto Scoppiettante has been rated by, and this makes us very happy!
see ya soon.
a presto.
As you may see on the upper right side of the page, the Insetto Scoppiettante has been rated by, and this makes us very happy!
see ya soon.
Complimenti Chuggabug! And so it should be! ;-)
RispondiEliminaVey, very good Ale!
RispondiEliminaAnche il mio blog è in fase di certificazione...
A presto,
Ro and Mizzi: thank you very much my friends!
RispondiEliminaI've known your blog was great from the first time I read it Ale.
thank you Ronman!
RispondiEliminaI'm waiting for yours to be rated ;-)