Dovevo postare qualcosa riguardo a questo nuovo acquisto, non fosse solo che per giustificare la spesa...! Portate mai con voi degli attrezzi oltre a quei tre che vengono dati in dotazione con la nuova Vespa? Che attrezzi portano con se' i vespisti classici?
Il Leatherman Charge AL rappresenta una delle ultime evoluzioni di un modello consolidato della Leatherman; e' un multiaccessorio che unisce alle classiche pinze molti altri robusti attrezzi, e costa una fortuna. E' stato piacevole comprarlo su Ebay direttamente negli Stati Uniti a un terzo del prezzo.
Io sono orgoglioso del mio Charge, sara' una questione di sentirsi un po' nerd, ma mi sento a posto se ce l'ho in tasca.
Sara' stato McGyver a rovinare la mia generazione?
I had to post something about this last purchase, at least to justify the expense...! Do you bring any tool with you apart from the three which come with the new Vespa? What kind of tools do classic Vespa riders bring along?
The Leatherman Charge AL represents one of the latest evolutions of a classic Leatherman model; it's a multitool combining the usual pliers with many other strong tools, and it's pricey. It was nice buying it on Ebay directly from the US for a third of its price.
I'm proud of my Charge, be it a matter of feeling a little nerd, but I feel at ease when i have it in my pocket.
Might it have been McGyver to ruin my generation?
Also posted on my flickr pool
Io sono orgoglioso del mio Charge, sara' una questione di sentirsi un po' nerd, ma mi sento a posto se ce l'ho in tasca.
Sara' stato McGyver a rovinare la mia generazione?
I had to post something about this last purchase, at least to justify the expense...! Do you bring any tool with you apart from the three which come with the new Vespa? What kind of tools do classic Vespa riders bring along?
The Leatherman Charge AL represents one of the latest evolutions of a classic Leatherman model; it's a multitool combining the usual pliers with many other strong tools, and it's pricey. It was nice buying it on Ebay directly from the US for a third of its price.
I'm proud of my Charge, be it a matter of feeling a little nerd, but I feel at ease when i have it in my pocket.
Might it have been McGyver to ruin my generation?
Also posted on my flickr pool
We always like your photos regardless the subject. The music is nice too. Hope the tool lives up to the reputation.
RispondiEliminaI definitely hope so; dunno if it's gonna save my life as in their website stories, but it's a damn good tool.
RispondiEliminaI know you are fans of my pictures, did you check my flickr pool and my other weblog?
have a nice time (and it's daylight saving time now, so ride more!!!)