Cosmesi - Cosmetics

"I wanna see it painted, painted black" [Rolling Stones]
"Black? You're damn fool, man!" [me]

"A whiter shade of pale" [Procol Harum]

Di cosa sto parlando? semplice: talvolta la cosmesi e' un'esigenza; il mio cervello la richiede, e un'idea che adoravo quando avevo quattordici anni diventa inaspettatamente prioritaria. La cosmesi nella mia Vespa gioca un ruolo secondario ma ci sono periodi in cui mi piace armeggiare con adesivi, accessori, lucido e qualsiasi cosa possa essere utilizzata per farla sembrare, beh, "Wow!".
Ecco perche' la scorsa settimana sono andato in cartoleria a comprare un pennarello bianco con punta a feltro per colorare la scritta "Pirelli" sul fianco della ruota anteriore. Un look decisamente "racing", e un intervento tanto insignificante fa sembrare che la gomma sia stata fatta su misura dalla Pirelli per l'Insetto Scoppiettante... Tecnica e aggressiva, e, ehi gente, le ragazze impazziscono! ;-)
E' vero, e' cosi' adolescenziale questo post, ma ogni tanto ho proprio bisogno di qualcosa di inoffensivamente stupido per rilassarmi da un lavoro pesante e noioso.
Prendetemi come sono.
Ah, e per cortesia informate il signor Jagger che per essere davvero fico sarebbe meglio che scegliesse il bianco!
What am I talking about? simple: sometimes cosmetics just urge; my brain is demanding for that, and an idea I loved when I was fourteen unexpectedly becomes a priority. Cosmetics in my Vespa play a back role but there are times that I enjoy messing around with stickers, accessories, polish and everything can be used to enhance its aspect and make it look, I mean, "Wow!".
That's why last week I entered a stationery shop and bought a felt tip white marker to paint the "Pirelli" writing on the side of my front wheel. Totally "racing" look and feel, and such a tiny intervention makes the tire look as if it was custom made by Pirelli for the Arkansas Chuggabug... Technical and aggressive, and, hey folks, chicks go mad about it! ;-)
Yes, it's such an adolescential post this one, but sometimes I just need something unharmfully stupid to relax from hard boring work.
Take me as I am.
Oh, and please inform Mr. Jagger that to be really cool, he'd better choose to paint it white!


  1. Looks neat. Lots of people go wild with custom designing their vespas. Someone did a contest for the most original custom design. But now we don't remember where we saw it. If we do we will come back with it. Enjoy your new look.

  2. Like they say...Boys will be boys...or Boys and their toys!

    I just think it was incredibly clever of you to put the word Pirelli on the tires. And you were only 14!

  3. heinz & frenchie: thanks. I'm not a pimp freak, but I enjoy a clean sharp look; this doesn't mean I wash it often, but I care for it!
    rowena: not so difficult, as the writing is already there, embossed in the tire! you just have to be careful not to go beyond the edges with your white marker!


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