Ritorno al futuro - Back to the future
Un flash improvviso.
E' piu' freddo ora quando fa buio, ai primi d'ottobre, e andando in vespa mi ricordo distintamente di quindici anni fa, quando ero un ragazzo delle scuole superiori ed ero costretto a usare il mio cinquantino tutto l'inverno per andare a scuola. E' una sensazione differente, se paragonata a quella di correre nel sole d'agosto, e bastava solo un altro piccolo particolare per lasciare che avvenisse la magia: stavo andando dalla mia sorellina e lei mi aveva chiesto di comprarle un pacchetto di sigarette sulla via di casa sua, per cui sono passato da un tabaccaio per comprare le cicche. Appena uscito dal tabaccaio un brivido mi ha scosso la schiena e la mente si e' spalancata: ero un ragazzino, ed ero riuscito a risparmiare due lire per comprare un pacchetto di sigarette, piacere proibito per me e cosa che nascondevo perfino ai miei stessi amici. Erano anni che non compravo un pacchetto di sigarette e mi sono sentito strano, e compiaciuto. Non perche' avessi realmente l'intenzione di fumarle, ma perche' sono ststo teletrasportato istantaneamente nel passato. Ho preso l' Insetto e mi sono messo in marcia ma quella sensazione non svaniva, ed e' durata finche' la mia tata non ha aperto la porta per farmi entrare.
Un'altra esperienza bizzarra, un altro ricordo che stavo perdendo solo perche' ho smesso di andare su due ruote molti anni fa.
Grazie, Insetto.
A sudden flash. It's colder now when it's dark, in early October, and riding I closely recall fifteen years ago, when I was a high school boy and I was forced to go to school on my 50cc all along the winter. It's a different feeling if compared to riding in the August sun, and just another tiny particular was needed to make the magic happen: I was going to my sister's and she asked me to buy cigarettes for her along the way, so I headed to a tobacconist to buy a pack of fags. As soon as I got out of the shop I was hit by a sudden shiver and my mind opened wide: I was a young boy, and I saved a few bucks to buy a pack of cigarettes, a forbidden pleasure for me and something I was hiding even from my very same friends. I hadn't been buying a pack of cigarettes for years and I felt weird, and pleased. Not because I was actually going to smoke them, but because I had been instantly beamed back in the past. I took the Bug and hit the road but that feeling wasn't vanishing and lasted until my sis opened the door to let me in. Another funny experience, another recall I was losing just because I stopped riding many years ago. Thanks, Bug.
Un'altra esperienza bizzarra, un altro ricordo che stavo perdendo solo perche' ho smesso di andare su due ruote molti anni fa.
Grazie, Insetto.
A sudden flash. It's colder now when it's dark, in early October, and riding I closely recall fifteen years ago, when I was a high school boy and I was forced to go to school on my 50cc all along the winter. It's a different feeling if compared to riding in the August sun, and just another tiny particular was needed to make the magic happen: I was going to my sister's and she asked me to buy cigarettes for her along the way, so I headed to a tobacconist to buy a pack of fags. As soon as I got out of the shop I was hit by a sudden shiver and my mind opened wide: I was a young boy, and I saved a few bucks to buy a pack of cigarettes, a forbidden pleasure for me and something I was hiding even from my very same friends. I hadn't been buying a pack of cigarettes for years and I felt weird, and pleased. Not because I was actually going to smoke them, but because I had been instantly beamed back in the past. I took the Bug and hit the road but that feeling wasn't vanishing and lasted until my sis opened the door to let me in. Another funny experience, another recall I was losing just because I stopped riding many years ago. Thanks, Bug.
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